Is virginity an issue?

I have a great male friend with whom I can be completely sincere and discuss many various topics. Our opinions may not be the same but we always tolerate each other. I guess this is the reason why we built such a strong relation which cannot be simply damaged.

So one day we’ve come to discuss about youth and values. None of us noticed how our conversation came to a dialogue about sex. Usually I’m not likely to talk about things like these and especially with a guy but he’s one of my best friends and I trust him 100% so I gave up and talked talked talked.

It’s a strange thing you know, he suddenly asked me if I was a virgin. Well, I am so I told him the truth. You should have seen his face, it was full of astonishment. I asked him what was the matter and he just gasped, ‘Oh God, I thought you’re not a virgin’. Oh dear. Really?

It got worse. My friend, whom I respect and trust and love and so on gave me an ‘advice’. Wanna know what was that? Prepare yourself. He just said, ‘I think you should just get drunk and be done with it’. Oh my. Wait, what? Really? I’m not that kind of girl who goes to a party and gets wasted and then you know what.

In my opinion, which I think is absolutely right, sex is not just an action. It’s something that you do because of love. It’s hard to explain, really, but it’s like two worlds combining together, it must be done because of love. And my friend just advised me to lose my virginity while being drunk, what the heck, seriously?

I wanna give it to someone who respects me, cares for me, cherishes me and really loves me despite the fact that I have MRKH.

It’s not that easy finding someone who could love you but it’s even harder to find someone who will love you when you have MRKH.

And personally, I don’t really care. Yes, I’m 18, yes, I’ll be 19 soon and yes, I’m a virgin, so what? I don’t give a damn crap because there are more things in life to be concerned about. So I’ll just stick to my plan which is called waiting. Yeah, I’ll wait till the right guy steps in and you know I’m fine with that.